Health Cluster Service
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Household Assessment Per Month
Home Visits
Home Base Carers
Health Cluster
- To implement an integrated package of services to promote accessible, acceptable and quality community home base care in order to promote, restore and maintain a maximum level of comfort to an average of 500 chronically ill and frail clients. Services include tasks around illness prevention, promotion of health therapy, rehabilitation, palliative care and referrals to different departments, Community Health Care (CHC), or institutions where necessary.
- We have a home base service that has been funded by the Department of Health for the past 10 years.
- We do approximately 6777 home visits and 1252 household assessments per month
- We have 80 Home Base Carers, 4 Co-ordinators, 4 Administrators, 2 Project Managers and 4 Supervisors.
- These role players assist in the effective running and servicing of the community.
- Each Home Based Carer has IO patients whom they see daily from Monday – Friday, 8am – I pm.
- Our Home Base Carers are allocated to the areas in the greater Elsies River e.g. Leonsdale, Avonwood, Riverton,Avon, Salberau, The Range and Epping Forest.
- HIV/AIDS/STI/TB:We have a program running to specifically assist the clients that falls within this category.
CDU:Chronic Dispensing Unit:
After assessing the needs of the community, we realised that patients are walking long distances to obtain their chronic medication.We stepped in and are now dispensing chronic medication in or-der to ease the traveling distance of patients. In the process we also eased the burden which the day hospitals are carrying in this regard. We currently dis-pense 420 chronic medications per month and this is escalating at a rate of 15%. This is a free service.
This service caters for the patients that are not mobile due to illness and physical disability .. They are unable to collect their own medicine.
Our staff has re-ceived training and is qualified to administer family planning and perform circumcisions.
The aim and goal of these groups are awareness and education around HIV, mental health and health in general.
This group targets children who is infected by HIV/AIDS.
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